Jobs an Indicator of Human Dignity?

Recently I was reading an article about employee discontent over retailers opening on Thanksgiving evening rather than “Black Friday” morning. Basically, some retail employees would like to keep the tradition of stores remaining closed on the Thanksgiving holiday so that they can spend the time with their families. When I got to the comment section of the article, I was left in a state of near sickness over some of the sentiments expressed. There were three main themes among commenters– those agreeing that retail employees should have the full holiday like everyone else, those saying anyone who has a job right now should be grateful and not complain about extra hours, and those– this is the one that made me sick– who said that retail workers are uneducated and unambitious so they shouldn’t expect to have holidays free. The tone was often sarcastic, saying things like:

“May I ask what your level of education is? Oh, right– you dropped out.”

“If you don’t like it, start your own business. Didn’t think so. Don’t forget the cheese on my double stack next time.”

This is a frightening trend, not in terms of whether or not stores open on Thanksgiving, but in terms of the sheer number of people (granted through the anonymity of the internet), who really seem to tie human dignity to social status. The message from a large number of commenters seemed to be “you work a low-end job, you don’t matter”.

My husband works for a multi-national coffee chain. He says he encounters this type of attitude daily. There are friendly customers, of course, but there are also those who are downright mean and degrading. One comment I’ll never forget, for its sheer absurdity, is when a man dissatisfied with his coffee said to my husband “you drug addicted high school drop out!” Hmm… My husband has a masters’ degree and he’s never had so much as a cigarette, which makes this man’s assumption comical, but on a deeper level it is quite sad that there seems to be a whole set of preconceived ideas about people based solely on what job they happen to have at the time.

I will insist upon my children treating everyone well, with no distinction between those in a higher and those in a lower social position. People are people, and human dignity is not contingent upon the amount of one’s salary. If my children ever feel it is okay to mistreat or condescend to others based on perceived social status I will consider it a parenting failure.

What Baby D Has Been Doing Lately

Baby D continues to grow, and he seems to do something new eery day. We have not been doing words as consistently as we were, but we will get back to that soon. He still uses the potty regularly. He is about ready to graduate from the infant potty bowl to one that he can sit on by himself. We read every day, and he tries to eat the books every day. Thankfully he has not succeeded in making a meal of his reading material yet. Here is a look back at the past few weeks in the life of Baby D:



My first Pumpkin! I'm not impressed.



I can get the toys out of the basket by myself.



Sitting in boxes is fun.



My first snow! I'm not sure about this...



Nope, I don't like this.



Help me.



This, at least, is better than the sled.



My first Halloween! A loveable lion. Roar!

Stay tuned for photos from Auntie K’s wedding, where Baby D will wear a tiny tuxedo. Watch out ladies, here he comes!




An Autumn Outing

There is something invigorating about the crisp autumn air in combination with the seemingly celebratory colors of the leaves. We took Baby D on a day trip to Old Sturbridge Village to really enjoy the change of seasons. He loves being outside, and is intensely interested in everything around him. We talked about the trees and plants, why leaves change color, the animals we saw, how a water pump works (Mommy pumped the handle while Daddy held Baby D and let him touch the stream of water), and how a water wheel drives a mill. We also just enjoyed the air and the scenery. It was a good day! Here is a sample of what we saw.

We walked through the village and out toward the Freeman Farm. This is the view looking out from the road to the pastures of the farm.

We are approaching closer to the pasture.

The grist mill.

The saw mill in operation.

Dock the ox. Or is this Blue? I get them mixed up. Over the past year we have seen Dock and Blue grow from calves into adolescents. They are quite friendly. Baby D like to stare at them.

Trees reflected in the pond.

The Salem Towne house, built for Salem Towne, Jr. in 1796. Read about it here.

A side view of the Salem Towne house.

A flower in the garden of the Towne house.

More flowers in the garden.

A tree in fancy dress for the season.

A chicken struts in the village.

Baby D! He enjoyed his day and was quite tired afterward. Happy autumn everyone!


New Pictures


It has been a while– about two months. Time flies, and babies grow. Here are some recent pictures of Baby D.

Beautiful boy.


High necked, long sleeved dark t-shirt-- check. As soon as I find my black skinny jeans I'll write existential poetry.


A pause during his favorite activity-- jumping.


I understand that it is cold outside, Mommy, but is this really necessary?


Can you believe my Daddy used to wear this shirt?

Newest Words and EC Update

The vocabulary of reading words for Baby D continues to grow. I just made more word cards. The categories are areas in the home, things that belong to Baby D, and the present participle of familiar verbs. Doman says never to show the same words over and over because young children learn quickly and become bored if they are continually shown the same things. He is quite right– I haven’t made new words in a while and Baby D’s excitement had visibly diminished. He is excited agin at the new words! Here are some examples from each category:

Home Words


Possession Words


Familiar Actions


We also are continuing to speak and read to Baby D in several languages. Our latest trip to the library yielded two fun books– a book of French children’s songs that also provides music notation so I can play the melodies for him on the piano, and a book of Chinese and English nursery rhymes that has a cd of the rhymes being sung. He enjoys listening to them. We have found, though, that while he likes to hear the piano played, letting him touch the keys to make sound produces terror.

We continue to practice EC successfully. He now has a noticeable association between his potty and eliminations. He will fuss and look uncomfortable until we put him on his potty, and then he will relax and do what he needs to do. It is amazing to witness at such a young age! We haven’t missed a bowel movement since the last update.

Just because, here are a couple of photos of the little man:

Looking in a mirror during tummy time.


Interacting with Uncle G and Auntie K.

Corrected Post: Three Months Old


I posted a series of photos with captions in an earlier post, and it published as one photo with many captions. Here is what I intended:

Baby D is three months old today! To celebrate, here are photos of a few of his favorite activities:

 Hanging out with his buddy Curious George. Courtesy of Auntie K.


Reading stories with George. 

Taking a bath.
 Wearing interesting hats.
Keeping it cool.
Napping with Grandpa.
Happy three month birthday, love. Keep growing!

All Day Without Baby D

Yesterday my husband and I went to Old Sturbridge Village for the day. Baby D stayed with his grandparents and his Auntie. He had a good time, we had a good time… but I was relieved to see him at the end of the day. Old Sturbridge Village is a re-creation of an 1830’s New England town. There are period buildings that have been relocated from various locations around New England, and costumed interpreters portraying life as it was lived in that period. There is also a working farm, and many animals. This past weekend was domestic textile weekend, and there were demonstrations of spinning, weaving, knitting, rug making, and knot work. We heard music on the 1820’s pipe organ, met a seven week old calf, visited with interpreters cooking salt pork, apple pie, and vegetables on the hearth, and learned about cider orchards. We  also attended a gallery talk about women’s domestic textile work. The examples of woven coverlets, tablecloths, “serviettes” (napkins), and garments were gorgeous. We were surprised to learn that home spun yarn from this period was as fine and even as the factory made yarn of today. The idea of “homespun” being rustic, chunky, and uneven is a modern concept. The women who produced textiles at this period were masters of their craft. Textile factories at first had to convince the public that their goods were of as good a quality as home made. Factory goods eventually became more prevalent and replaced home made, of course.

All of that was fun but… it was even better to get back to Baby D. I called a couple of times to ask how he was. My husband told me he was sure the baby was safe with his grandparents. I tried to explain that I was not concerned about his safety, just feeling anxious about not being with him. It must be a mom thing.  At any rate, Baby D had a good day with his grandparents, and we had a good day at Sturbridge– but I think it will be a little while before we spend so much time apart again.

Here are some photos from the village. I did not take them, they are from the village’s website. I was so concerned about packing for Baby D I forgot our camera.




Life is Good

It has been a busy time. Baby D is growing and changing every day, and trying out new skills. He is trying hard to roll from his tummy to his back. He pushes himself up almost to the “tipping point”, but is not quite there yet. He tries and tries to crawl, and he can move forward a bit, and move himself around in a circle, but has not got his knees under himself enough to take off. He is enjoying making “raspberry” sounds and blowing bubbles, and looks right at us and makes sounds that truly appear to be attempts at speech. It frustrates him when we don’t understand. In about four weeks of elimination communication we have had four misses– not bad at all. We show him words every day, and rotate a new word into each set every couple of days. Doman suggests adding a new word and removing an old word from each set daily, but we don’t get to each set three times a day– more like twice, or once on some days. So I let him see each set at least three times before changing any words. He enjoys seeing the words. I say to him “Mommy has some words to show you. Would you like to see the words?”. He usually smiles, and when I show the words he focuses on them and smiles. All in all life is good, and Baby D continues to grow and develop.

Very Informative Post About Toys in Montessori

The New Mommy Files blog has a very thorough post about toys/materials in Montessori philosophy. Please check it out! Her whole blog is worth reading.

Elimination Communication Update

We have been actively practicing elimination communication for two weeks. It has been easier and more successful than I hoped. In two weeks we have had a total of two soiled diapers– one that we missed while at home, one that happened while we were out and did not have the potty. We still have wet diapers because we are not actively trying to catch urine. Baby D sits calmly on his potty when he needs it, and fusses if I put him on when he does not need it. this is an aspect of the communication that I did not anticipate, but I am pleased that he can communicate so clearly what he needs and doesn’t need. As soon as he is able to sit unsupported we will use a potty chair instead of the potty bowl. In my opinion EC is totally do-able and perhaps the best parenting decision we have made. If you are considering EC but feeling apprehensive, my advice would be try it– it is easier than it looks.

Baby D in a serious mood wearing a hat his father wore as a baby.