EC Update and Ikea Potty Review

Baby D truly likes his independant-use potty! We were having a lot of misses before we got it. It seems that he no longer liked the infant potty bowl. He wanted to sit by himself, not to be held by Mommy. He sits on his potty when he wakes up in the morning, after naps, and at each diaper change. We usually catch something! I feel like the early association of eliminating in his potty bowl helped tremendously in transitioning to the “big boy” potty. There has been no upset or protest from Baby D. It seems quite natural for him. We got his potty from Ikea for $5.00. I do not foresee us needing a more expensive one. The Ikea potty is sturdy, easy for him to sit on unaided, and it keeps everything contained. The design is suitable for both boys and girls.  Simplicity and functionality of design trump the bells and whistles some potties  have. I am so glad we are back to catching more than we miss!

Baby D and the Big Boy Potty

Do you mind, mom? Can’t a baby get some privacy? I havn’t even put away my toys! The room is a mess! Why do you insist upon embarrassing me?