Hello Everyone

Won’t you please share that coffee with me, Mommy?






I like the snow better this year.


Do you like my green sled?



Baby D has been enjoying life, and he hopes you have been, too!


Hello From Baby D

Baby D sends spaghetti kisses to all of his friends.

Life is busy for Baby D– learning letters, trying out new words, and of course eating spaghetti. I will update more frequently now after a long hiatus. Baby D is looking forward to reconnecting!


Baby D has entered a new stage– the stage of “again”. (Or as he says, ‘gai) We read Who Says Quack again, and again, and again. We sing Itsy Bitsy Spider again, and again, and again. The same with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, and Numbers Touch and Feel, and any number of other things. We listen to a stuffed rabbit sing Here Comes Peter Cottontail again, and again, and again. This is of course normal– and Mommy is hanging in there. The seventh time through a book or song I just think of the not-too-far-off days when I will fondly remember how  he said ‘gai! to everything and wish he were little again.

It’s a Tough Life…


Can we take this swing home with us?


Food just tastes better this way.

Updated Photos of Baby D

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything. Baby D is practically grown up.

Baby D is now responsible for retrieving his own milk.

He also has given up the potty for the privy.


He even keeps his own garden.


Even practically grown-up babies need a bath!


EC Update and Ikea Potty Review

Baby D truly likes his independant-use potty! We were having a lot of misses before we got it. It seems that he no longer liked the infant potty bowl. He wanted to sit by himself, not to be held by Mommy. He sits on his potty when he wakes up in the morning, after naps, and at each diaper change. We usually catch something! I feel like the early association of eliminating in his potty bowl helped tremendously in transitioning to the “big boy” potty. There has been no upset or protest from Baby D. It seems quite natural for him. We got his potty from Ikea for $5.00. I do not foresee us needing a more expensive one. The Ikea potty is sturdy, easy for him to sit on unaided, and it keeps everything contained. The design is suitable for both boys and girls.  Simplicity and functionality of design trump the bells and whistles some potties  have. I am so glad we are back to catching more than we miss!

Baby D and the Big Boy Potty

Do you mind, mom? Can’t a baby get some privacy? I havn’t even put away my toys! The room is a mess! Why do you insist upon embarrassing me?



Cost of Montessori Education

I don’t like to use my blog to rant, but this might be close. We never planned on sending Baby D to preschool. We can teach him to count and read and PutThingsBackCarefully. Then I got to thinking maybe half days in a Montessori Infant Community would be beneficial and not take him away for too long. Then I saw the price. I knew Montessori schools were expensive. I didn’t realize half day preschool would cost over $9,000 per year. That is slightly more than in-state tuition at our state college. Full day preschool is over $13,000, as is Primary. Elementary is $14,000. This school is fully recognized by AMI and looks to be just what we would choose if Baby D did go to school. I understand that teachers must be paid a living wage, schools must carry a lot of insurance, and materials cost quite a bit. But do the operating costs of the school really add up to $9,000, $13,000, or $14,000 per child per year? The first Casa dei Bambini was in a tenement. Dr. Montessori made the materials herself. How did Montessori education go from serving the poorest children to courting families who either can afford to pay that much for pre-school and elementary school or are willing to go into debt? How can we make Montessori education available to a wider community? Peace through education can not come about if so few people are included. Do we need non-profit, donation supported schools? Volunteer teachers? How do we accomplish this?

Busy Busy Boy


Good morning, blue eyes!


Where are you off to?


No time to talk, mom.


I have to see a man about a horse.

 Baby D wishes everyone a lovely day!


What Do You Say When a Loved One Has a Miscarriage?

If your friend or loved one has had a miscarriage, it can be difficult to know what to say. All of my friends and family, I am grateful to say, were very loving and tactful. I have heard from more than one woman, however, that some of the standard responses to miscarriage can cause more pain than comfort. Of course everyone wants to say something comforting– here are some do’s and don’ts when addressing miscarriage that will ensure that your words are received as loving support. throughout this post I will refer to mothers, but please apply all advise to fathers as well– they are also grieving and often overlooked.

Inappropriate Responses

1. You can have another baby.

Hopefully parents who have experienced miscarriage can have more children if that is what they want. However, one child does not replace another. Any child born after having had a miscarriage does not negate the pain of losing the previous child. Assuring a grieving mother that she can still have children may seem like a comforting thing to say, but the effect is often the opposite of that which is intended.

2. There was probably something wrong with the baby.

Who knows why miscarriage happens? Perhaps the child had developmental problems, perhaps not. Either way, this is equivalent to telling the parent “it is good that your baby died”. Whether or not this is what you mean, it is not a tactful thing to say to someone who has lost a baby.

3. At least you didn’t have time to get attached.

How long does a mother have to carry a child before becoming “attached”? Even if it does not seem to you that the mother was pregnant long enough to warrant grief at the loss of the child, don’t tell her this.

Appropriate Responses

1. I’m sorry to hear about your loss.

This does not attempt to explain to the mother why the miscarriage happened or tell her how she should respond. It is a simple offering of sympathy and will not cause offense.

2. Do you need anything?

The mother may or may not need help with anything. This offer shows your love and support without placing any demands on the mother.

3. I’m here if you need to talk.

Some moms find comfort in talking about their miscarriages, and some would rather not discuss the subject. This offer is supportive without being intrusive.

The one guideline that will ensure that any comments addressed to parents who have experienced miscarriage are appropriate is this:

Would this be appropriate to say to someone who has lost an older child?

The first three responses listed in this article would be shockingly rude when said to the parents of an older child. The second three would be appropriate. Regardless of your personal opinions regarding miscarriage, for the sake of the feelings of your loved one and the tranquility of the relationship going forward, weigh anything you are thinking of saying against the question of whether or not it would be a correct thing to say to parents who have lost an older child. In this way you will be assured of not causing further pain.

I have only addressed a few hurtful and helpful things to say in this post. If anyone has something to add, please feel free to do so in the comments section.